Over the past few months, we have been working to refresh and modernise the Council’s website.  Although our members have a great breadth of expertise and experience, we have had to be realistic about what we can offer and maintain.  Our key priority has been to signpost reputable and authoritative information rather than try to duplicate the excellent resources which already exist – many from Council members’ own websites.  As a representative body with nearly 40 members, it is not always easy to please everyone.  However, we have worked with our web developers, Reality House, and our Board of Directors to plan, design and populate the new website.


We are not finished but believe that the time is right to make the website live and start to collect feedback from our users and the wider community.  The more specific your suggestions, the easier it will be for us to implement them!


All comments will be considered and reviewed.  Please send your comments to anna@forumconferences.com