Injustices faced by disabled people to be tackled head-on through a new package of measures ordered by the Prime Minister.

As part of her legacy as Prime Minister, Theresa May launched a package of cross departmental measures to “change the landscape for disabled people and to make sure there is always a level playing field for them”.  There are a range of proposals intended to “support disabled people in all phases of their life so that the pursuit of equality is a shared goal.”  These include higher accessibility standards for new housing, an overhaul of statutory sick pay, and greater workplace support to help ensure disabled people can fully participate in society.

Although the whole package of measures is important for the members of the Council for Work and Health, one of the most direct concerns “New employee rights to request workplace modifications on health grounds”.  We expect the detail of this to link to our resources on Workplace Modifications.  Dr Steve Boorman, Chair of the Council welcomed the announcement saying “Council Members have actively contributed to the “Improving Lives” agenda across all of its programmes. We look forward to supporting the opportunities, trailed in this announcement, to help support individuals in accessing good work and the health benefits this creates”.